BFM 89.9: The Bigger Picture
Yesterday Bilqis, Faillul and I were interviewed on my favourite radio station BFM. We spoke about the upcoming production, Tepak Tari, which is premiering on the 3rd of Sept at Auditorium DBKL. Tepak Tari consists of two programs, A and B, and I am fortunate to be involved in both. I kick off with 'Ketuk Tilu' an excerpt from a piece choreographed by Dutch Choreographer, Gerard Mosterd and will be performing with Raziman Sarbini of ASWARA. Program B will feature a very special work called 'return' which is a collaborative effort between Rathimalar Govindarajoo, Sukania Venugopal and Edwin Anand.
If you have the time, please click on the link below to listen to the podcast. Hopefully you will want to come watch us after listening to it!
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